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Digital Inclusion

Updated: Jan 21, 2024

Shaping Connections Founder and Director, Associate Professor Bernardo Figueiredo explores how older adults are using technology on his recent study tour to Europe.

This week I had the pleasure of giving a talk at Newcastle University, UK, about the digital inclusion work Shaping Connections has done with U3A Network Victoria in Australia.

The talk was part of an inspiring event organised by colleagues from the Marketing discipline and the Centre for Ageing and Inequalities. Thanks, Natalia Yannopoulou and David Lain for organizing it. The talk was followed by an engaging discussion about the current projects of various academics from the Centre and their future plans. The discussion was very interesting and the themes were diverse. The day ended with dinner in the oldest building with a restaurant in Newcastle, The Blackfriars Restaurant and Banquet Hall, dated back to 1239. Originally a Dominican friary, it has been beautifully preserved and converted into a restaurant, offering guests a unique dining experience with a historic ambience. The experience left me inspired and reminded me of the incredible value these interactions hold in our professional/academic lives.

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