
Engaged with over 200 seniors, industry and organisations through co-design workshops in order to obtain research and insights.
Developed 3 digital resource tools to assist seniors and industry:
Increased digital confidence of seniors enabling them to not only connect socially but also function in a digital society that includes online interactions such as online shopping, bill payments, brand interactions and general online customer research on places/topics of interest.
Ongoing assistance to industry and organisations to provide a greater understanding of the barriers and opportunities to better connect with seniors when they are developing their communication channels.
Connections with likeminded researchers who want to further develop research outcomes within this demographic and beyond.
Developed a library of seniors risk perception categories and subcategories that give a voice to the beliefs seniors have about technology and the potential harm or the possibility of loss associated with it. This library is accompanied with interviews from 22 Victorian seniors to add context and relatability.
Developed a series of webinar and workshops to assist with continued education to industry and organisations.
Publication of project reports and academic research papers to disseminate Shaping Connections research and bring more awareness to policy makers, media, industry and the general public.