Perceived Operational Risk
Perceived Operational risks are the most common type of risks and relate to the fear of failing to use technology. The senior population is growing, and lack of engagement with new technology is an issue impacting social connection. Older people are concerned and fearful as to whether they will be able to use their computer, tablet, or mobile phone due to their own personal ICT abilities. Sometimes people feel overwhelmed and get frustrated when they cannot get their devices to work. They don’t trust themselves to overcome an ICT challenge presented to them. This fear is focused on whether the digital device will really do what they want it to do and includes being in control of the functional aspects of different products.
For Timothy, these perceptions of risk manifest in the following ways:

“I fear wasting my time using my ICT device(s).”
Example 1
This risk may be manifested as a feeling that learning a task might be too time consuming to be worth the users’ time, leading the user to not engage with it. For example, Timothy wants to start coding and build his own programs and apps. However, he is unsure about where to start and who would be best source for a semi-retired tech-person to learn advanced ICT skills.

“I fear I won’t be able to keep up with new devices, and applications”
Example 2
Operational risks may manifest as a fear of complexity, which may be daunting especially with devices/tech. For instance, although Timothy has very advanced ICT-knowledge he finds that things are changing very rapidly. It takes a lot of time and effort just to stay up-to-date and he fears this may become more difficult when he gets older and have less energy.
Individual Strategies for Managing Operational Risk

Be brave. Don’t be afraid to try something on a table, computer or phone. After all, there is hardly ever an action you can perform on a computer that will permanently break it.
Different paths. Remember, there are many ways to do the same thing. You may need to try different paths until you find your preferred way.
Areas of interest. Make a list of the topics you would like to know and skills you would like to acquire. Then ask a more knowledgeable friend to help you group these and work out a plan.
Updates and developments. Remember, ICT changes all the time, so you need to keep updating your apps and devices as well as your knowledge of them. Keep your system and apps up to date to ensure they work properly.
Search engines. Use search engines like Google or video apps like YouTube. Google ICT jargon or explore YouTube videos will help you learn how to do things - pause, rewind and watch as many times as you need.
Backups. Make sure you have back-ups of important data.
Second devices. Consider using a second/different device if you are experiencing problems. Look for solutions on the second device.
Libraries. Visit your local and digital libraries, to explore books, tutorials, manuals or classes that can help you.
Official websites. Try the official website of service providers. Apple and Microsoft have many tutorials and other learning material on their websites. If you want to learn about Linux, there’s a full course on that is partially narrated by the creator of Linux himself.
Relational Strategies for Managing Operational Risk

Help your partner. If you partner knows less than you, share your new knowledge with them which helps you remember it.
Teach others. They say that to teach is to learn a thousand times. The best way to learn and keep new knowledge is to teach others. Considering becoming a volunteer teacher on subjects you want to learn more or keep updated.
Community. Use the power of community with other tech savvy seniors and form a support group to help one another and sharpen your own ICT skills.
Social networks. Join existing informal and formal social networks (e.g., Apple Community) where you can ask questions and get answers to your issues. Consider forms of passing forward the knowledge and skills you learn in these groups.
Health issues. Your support team may have tips and tools to help you overcome any health issues (weaker eyesight, hearing, shaky hands), discuss with the tutors at your ICT groups and more knowledgeable peers.
ICT Courses. Join intermediate and advanced ICT courses developed for older adults. Make sure you discuss with tutors to find the right courses for you. Discuss with tutors if you can meet outside classes or during breaks to have one-on-one discussions.
Service Providers. Become loyal to service providers that are helpful in supporting your needs. Good technology providers and retailers should be able to offer targeted solutions and support to your issues. Engage with stores and services that provide your preferred communication channel, be it in-store, phone, or through chat function on the websites.
Strategies to Managing Perceived Operational Risk
Operational risk is aligned both with the person’s ICT ability and the person’s confidence to try to overcome the perceived risk and engage with the digital device. There are individual strategies people can do themselves to manage this risk, as well as relational strategies which consider the role of social influence on a person’s ability to try new things and interact with ICT.